Wednesday, December 1, 2010

life update

Oh my god! I haven’t blogged in so long! I’m probably going to get the award of world’s worst blogger o.O
I should be keeping the world informed on all the problems that have been rocking my life for the past month or so..

*** WARNING!! ***
A long irrelevant ramble...

I’ll start on a good note! :D
Got my best friend back. He finally started talking to me again and we had a massive chat about everything and sorted out problems out, and now we chat all the time again :) I’ve missed him so much.
looking forward to hopefully hanging out with him soon.

Now for the bad stuff :(
Boys are still being arses.
School is STILL going! D: I swear it feels like it’s never going to end. I have two more days left though and it’s been the biggest struggle to get through this week as it is. At least all my exams are done and dusted.
Year 12 sounds like it’s going to be pretty full on. Hope I keep up.
Been having the worst mood swings lately for no reason at all, I just all of a sudden want to lash out at someone, but I keep in control.
I’m hoping to start meditation and yoga next year to help cope with all the stress of year 12 and everything and teach me how to clear my mind, because sometimes my thoughts are louder than the people talking to me.

Anyway that’s my ramble for the month, i have so much more interesting stuff i could talk about but honestly i don't think anyone reads this anyway.

Peace out.